
Tears Strimming Down My face New Cherry Commercial Hits Home with Americans

Tears strimming down my face new Cherry commercial hits Home with Americans

An Emotional holiday commercial from Chevrolet is hitting home with many Americans and good very well become one of the ads we ‘ll never forget.

The auto makers more than 5 minute at called a holiday to remember opens with her family getting a man and his daughter are talking about the cleaning well being of his wife who has early stage Alzheirmer’s.

There some days she does not even because noise me he says answering is daughter’s questions about weather her mom has more bad days than good.

a young woman Prasoon Maybelline the older couples granddaughters over hairs the conversation and makes A decision.

Let’s make today a good day she tells her grandmother who sits with a vacant look before carefully leading her to a blue 1972 Chevrolet Suburban in the garage.

As Johan then what’s sun sign on my shoulder place the young women drivers her grandmother throw down remaining her of P voter places in her life like her childhood home her high school and a drive in theatre that trigger a memory.

It was there the now already women’s husband first kiss at his wife to be the grand daughter says her grandmother then correct her no I kissed him he was 4 to say sit then tells her clearly it granddaughter bill I need to see bill.

The pear return to the family home where the long time couple hold each other and kiss with tears streaming down their faces he has her for a moment

That was created with help from the Alzheimer’s associations because most importantly the commercial so cases what people living with ALZHEIRMER’S and their families go through especially around the holiday.

An estimated 6.7 millions American Ages 65 and older are living with Alzheirmer’s in 2023 according to the associations.

We talked a lot about Ramini since therapy not that it’s a cure or a solved but the power of music the power of memories are things that can enable the person going through it to fail more comfortable and the people that are the care give us that are surrounding them to also feel more comfortable head of marketing told add age.

We are not going to go spend it trillion dollars in media measures said focusing on the holidays is a way to appeal to consumer With warm emotic stories.”

Commercial Hits Home with Americans

the commercial was first round during Fox Thanksgiving Day and NFL broadcast.

The add is still making its rounds on all social media platform and wealth likely continue to throughout the holiday season internet users are opening up about how the add is making them feel you too users.

Commercial Hits Home with Americans

Automotive news road in its reaction to the edit the holidays can be a difficult time for family remember of Revolt one with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease but cherries new ad portrays how the season can also Spark movement of joy however fliitting.

Told you as a today that it’s about more than just selling more vehicles we feel a sense on Honours and responsibility when give the opportunity to during this stories to life each holiday season.

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